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                    2012 - Contribution to Sustainability by a Corporation


                    Abigail Forsyth

                    ​Abigail Forsyth, KeepCup

                    KeepCup has won the 2012 Melbourne Award for Contribution to Sustainability by a Corporation.

                    Designed and manufactured in Melbourne, KeepCups are the next logical step in the push to replace disposable cups, which are used every day for coffee and other takeaway beverages.

                    More than two million KeepCups have been sold in Australian since June 2009, with sales continuing to grow. Apart from reducing the amount of litter generated in Melbourne, the KeepCup is a prominent visual statement by customers of the importance of sustainability.

                    If 75 per cent of purchasers used KeepCup five times a week, it is estimated they would save at least 850,000 trees from pulp mills, divert 30,000 tonnes of disposable cup waste from landfill, and divert two billion disposable cups from landfill.

                    KeepCup is an inspirational local business success story demonstrating the growing demand for sustainable consumer products. As brand recognition grows, Melbourne is also likely to benefit from being seen as a leader in global efforts to reduce waste. 

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